So with the world being turned upside down right now, I thought I would share some comic updates.
Regarding Archie Comics, I had a couple of stories that were in the pipeline, but with comic book distribution being closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic — not to mention most comic book stores themselves being closed — there’s no way of knowing when those stories will be released. These closings affect not just books set to release by Archie Comics, but all comic books companies out there including Marvel and DC. I’ll keep everyone updated when I know more about when my stories might be published.
On a positive note, Suburban Fairy Tales will continue to release three days a week. In recent months I’ve changed the schedule from new strips every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday to every Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. The new schedule makes things easier for me so I’m going to stick with it going forward.
You may have noticed some tweaks to the Suburban Fairy Tales main website this past week. I had to do this due to some technical website mumbo jumbo, but I’m happy that it looks slightly better when viewed on a mobile device.
As of right now it still looks like New York Comic Con is still happening in October. I plan to have a table there again this year, but with every other major event closing down right now there’s no guarantee. I usually do a summer convention and that’s definitely not happening!
Hope everyone is staying healthy and safe in isolation and don’t play too much Animal Crossing.
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