04/26/2023 Apr26 by francisbonnet on April 26, 2023 at 10:00 am Chapter: Suburban Fairy Tales Archive └ Tags: battle, big bad wolf, cartoon, comic, comic artist, comic book, comic book artist, comic strip, comics, drawing, fairy tales, fight, fighter, forrest, Francis Bonnet, funny, humor, martial arts, mixed martial arts, modern fairy tales, piggies, piggy, pigs, Suburban Fairy Tales, three little pigs, webcomic, wolf
Talk about some home entertainment in the making. Also there is a chance to download it to the internet somehow, right ?
Is a very good chance that it could show up on the internet!
Nah you can’t do my man BB Wolf like that in front of his girl! Someone teach him how to throw hands and get him a rematch!
He might get his rematch one day!