08/21/2020 Aug21 by francisbonnet on August 21, 2020 at 12:01 am Chapter: Suburban Fairy Tales Archive └ Tags: cartoon, comic, comic artist, comic book, comic book artist, comic strip, comics, date, dating, dinner date, drawing, fairy tales, Francis Bonnet, funny, humor, lamb, modern fairy tales, piggies, piggy, pigs, sheep, Suburban Fairy Tales, three little pigs, waiter, webcomic, wolf, wolfette
Well there goes Wolfette’s appetizer. Unless Little Pig 3 thinks of something soon I do wonder how the main course will turn out…
Maybe it is time to get a pizza or go to a movie and skip dinner ?
He’s definitely not smart enough to think of that!
Definitely I dated her once.
I hope it went well!