05/04/2022 May04 by francisbonnet on May 4, 2022 at 12:01 am Chapter: Suburban Fairy Tales Archive └ Tags: cartoon, chocolate cake, comic, comic artist, comic book, comic book artist, comic strip, comics, date, dating, dinner date, drawing, fairy tales, Francis Bonnet, funny, humor, modern fairy tales, piggies, piggy, pigs, restaurant, salad, Suburban Fairy Tales, three little pigs, webcomic, wolf, wolfette
My guess is that he is a slow learner on what an actual salad really is…
He doesn’t even want to try to learn about it.
And what kind of dressing would you like on your salad?
Häagen-Dazs! – John Pinette
Sounds like the perfect salad to me.
Finally, the perfect date
Things are going well for our little pig!