06/26/2019 Jun26 by francisbonnet on June 26, 2019 at 12:01 am Chapter: Suburban Fairy Tales Archive └ Tags: call, cartoon, comic, comic artist, comic book, comic book artist, comic strip, comics, date, dating, delete, dinner date, drawing, fairy tales, first date, Francis Bonnet, funny, humor, iphone, modern fairy tales, online dating, piggies, piggy, pigs, rejection, smartphone, Suburban Fairy Tales, text, text message, texting, three little pigs, webcomic
Pig #3 has the worst dating experiences, but what about his brothers and their dating moments ?
Little Pig #1 has had maybe one or two dating moments, which haven’t gone well, but no where near as bad as Little Pig #3. Little Pig #2 has not had any dating experiences yet — and there’s a reason for that, which I may explore in a future story.