9/13/2023 Sep13 by francisbonnet on September 13, 2023 at 12:01 am Chapter: Suburban Fairy Tales Archive └ Tags: big bad wolf, cartoon, comic, comic artist, comic book, comic book artist, comic strip, comics, drawing, escape, fairy tales, feral, Francis Bonnet, funny, humor, island, jump the shark, modern fairy tales, piggies, piggy, pigs, raft, shark, sheep, Suburban Fairy Tales, three little pigs, webcomic, wolf
The poor shark! I feel sorry for him.
Don’t feel too sorry for him — he did try to eat Little Pig #3 after all!
But who doesn’t like pork?
I prefer bacon 😂
Wow, I didn’t think you would do it, but you actually jumped the shark in this series…
The shark was the one who was jumping, so I guess the shark jumped himself? lol